worldwide wo+men in concert
an online concert series in solidarity with artists and technicians
The coronavirus pandemic and the resulting restrictions for artists, audiences and venues are fundamentally changing the music landscape. With the desire to support musicians, sound engineers and videographers during this difficult time, the idea for this project was born.
The participating artists each agree to organize a concert at a place of their choosing – that might just be their living room or a small venue inside or outside whatever is possible and what they prefer. In each venue an audience can and should be present within the possible framework of the coronavirus guidelines.
The audience is far broader than this, since the concerts are filmed and broadcasted worldwide. Also we aim to connect the artists between through interviews that they do between each other. We share those interviews as well as the concerts on our social media channels. We want the audience to be part of this process getting to know the artists through these very personal interviews and the intimate concert formats. Between October 2020 and April 2021, we have realized two series of in total 13 concerts with small intimate formats with female artists from Hanover (Germany) and 11 different countries around the world.
This was our line-up:
# 1 La Perla (COL) | 16/10/2020
#2 Loli Molina (ARG/MEX) | 23/10/2020
#3 Faya (PRT/GER/ITA) | 30/10/2020
#4 Badi Assad (BRA) | 06/11/2020
#5 Sobi (GER) | 13/11/2020
#6 Sara Alhinho (Cape Verde) & Gasandji (Congo/France) | 25/02/2021
#7 Erika Emerson & Tinatin (Germany) | 04/03/2021
#8 Mira Cétii (France) & Surma (Portugal) | 11/03/2021
#9 AYOM (BR/AO/GR/IT) | 18/03/2021
#10 MAYUKO (Germany) | 01/04/2021
The project was funded by the UNESCO City of Music Hannover (DE), in partnership with the UNESCO cities Leiria (PT) and Metz (FR). The audience also contributed by purchasing tickets and donating on the platform
The people behind this project:
Artistic direction: Kristina Van de Sand, in cooperation with Basti Hofmann (Flowfish Records/Köterhai Booking)
Social Media: a Garden Collective.
The logo was designed by Elide Gramegna
Here all our supporting partners: